Career Resources Hub

Being able to communicate what you’re good at and can offer prospective employers is key to securing your first job in housing, as well as progressing in your career. To help get you started, we’ve collated these resources from three of the most useful websites out there.

Useful websites

Skills Development Scotland’s careers information and advice website, for all stages of your work and career journey.

Scotland’s job website for the public and third sector.

Useful resources from the BBC, including careers advice for young people.

Job applications/
CV advice

Creating a killer CV or writing a winning job application which showcases what you can bring to a role is the first step to getting the housing job you really want!

Interview skills

Your personal skills

The more you understand your own talents and skills, the better you’ll be at putting them across to potential housing employers.

Understanding where an interview fits within the recruitment process, as well as the opportunities it offers, will help you prepare for it properly.

Career change

Changing careers may seem daunting, but help is on hand to get you to where you really want to go.

Get help by clicking opposite.

Take a look at Jobs in Housing and try to make the most of these resources when applying for a housing job.